John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982)
Modernized Trailer


One of my favourite movies during my “formative” years was the1982 version of John Carpenter's “The Thing”.  Everything about the movie, from its mishmash cast led by Kurt Russell, to the amazing practical effects and eerie score drew me in and dragged me along. When I wanted to recommend the movie to a friend, I looked for the trailer online and realized that the 1982 trailer spoiled many of the twists and turns of the movie and didn't accurately convey its beyond creepy tone. I decided, just as a fun side project, to make a trailer of my own to whet my friends’ appetite, using my own blu ray disc, Adobe Premiere, After Effects as well as Audition (to fix some sound issues with the original's dialogue). I added the original score into the trailer and added certain other elements using my own instruments to help the flow of the editing as well. 

I learned a lot in the process and am very proud of the final product. I've linked the original trailer as a comparison.

My Version

The Original Trailer

What I Learned

Editing is a science. The video and audio have to sync up. With limited footage to utilize without spoiling the plot and only a handful of dialogue scenes not including some kind of score, I had to tiptoe around to find scenes that would work. For essential parts I had to learn how to edit the audio so that blizzards, and other sounds didn’t bleed through and cut out. Lastly I learned how to create and modify my own scores from instruments and edit them to suit my needs.